Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Employee Commitment & Organizational Performance


Nowadays, the business environment which is not only competitive but also changing rapidly. Due to this competitive and changing situation, every organization must have employees who are committed to the organizational objectives. If there are no committed employees, the organization will fail to face the rivals successfully. 

Committed employees are valued assets in any organization and employee commitment plays a vital role in the growth of the organization's performance. Nowadays every business organization wants to uplift their performance to reach the business environmental incidents successfully. Employee commitment helps the organization. It directly affects organizational success. Many studies regarding this have proved that there is a positive/significant relationship between employee commitment and organizational success. However, it is hard to keep the employees engaged and objective orient. Therefore the management should take necessary actions to take advantage of their employees.


Employee commitment is an interest of the employee towards the organization. This indicates the level of employee satisfaction and cementation amongst the employees. This is also salient to measure employee commitment since it is the main factor in organizational success.


To get the employee’s devotion towards the organization managers should deploy potential strategies. Such as,

1. Set clear goals and objectives

Clear goals and objectives are some of the most important factors to get employee commitment. Because employees have to perform business activities for the accomplishment of their responsibilities daily. Therefore employees are aware of organizational goals and objectives to comply better with the mission and the vision of the organization.


2. Create a competitive work environment

Employee commitment can be nurtured by providing a rival work environment to them. It is essential to create a competition in work for higher performances.


3. Ensure skills grooming training programs

By conducting employees skills development programs business organizations can nurturing employee’s dedication towards organizational performance. There is no doubt that such training will be advantageous to companies, including higher productivity, employee commitment, and finally organizational performance. Nowadays, the business environment which is not only competitive but also changing rapidly. Due to this competitive and changing situation,  every organization must have employees who are committed to the organizational objectives. If there are no committed employees, the organization will fail to face the rivals successfully. 

References :

K.Princy, E.Rebeka, September 2019, Employee Commitment on Organizational Performance, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-3

Explore Insiders, January 17, 2020, How To Improve The Commitment of Employees? Viewed 09 August 2021, <Employee Commitment - Strategies To Improve It | Explore Insiders>

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Pros and Cons of Trade Unions


A Trade Union could be a membership-based organization and its membership should be created up primarily of staff. The main aim of an organization is to defend and advance the interests of its members in work. Trade unions, discuss major changes to the work, negotiate agreements with staff on pay and conditions, discuss members' issues with employers and accompany members in disciplinary and grievance conferences on behalf of staff. 


Unions provide employee protections

Trades Unions protect employees from exploitation and help to uphold health and safety legislation. In addition, trade unions provide representation to workers facing legal action or unfair dismissal. In most of The United States, non-union workers are at-will employees. In short, employers can fire employees for virtually any reason. Of course, there are limitations in place such as discrimination. For union members, it is different. There must be just caused. In addition, it is not a simple firing. In most instances, this type of decision must go through arbitration or a grievance procedure. 

Reduce inequality

       Figure 1: Advantages and Disadvantages of Trade Union  ( (source: Economics essays)

From the late 1890s to the 1980s, the UK saw a growth in trade union membership. This was also a period of falling inequality and a reduction in relative poverty. Since trade union membership peaked in the early 1980s, this trend of reduced inequality has been reversed and inequality has increased.


Unions are economic trendsetters


Before the emergence of trade unions, weekends and provisions for employees did not really exist. Even though the U.S. The workforce has not been 100% unionized; unions do affect trends that benefit all employees. Other examples include the minimum wage, overtime rules, etc.



Unions require dues and fees that some workers do not want to pay

There are two types of workplaces with trade unions, open and closed. Open shops do not need employees to pay dues or fees to the union. However, in a closed Shop, employees have to be union members in order to apply for a job. Some will allow candidates to apply for the job as a non-unionized candidate, but if the candidate is hired, the non-member must become a member. Some allow employees to work as non-members, but those workers are required to pay agency fees, which contribute to the work the union is doing. In the United States, such trade unions' deduction rates are 1.5%-2.5% of their pay.


Union Actions caused to Wage-inflation

                                    Figure 2: Prices and incomes policy  ( (source: Economics help)

If unions become too powerful they can bargain for higher wages above the rate of inflation. If this occurs it may contribute to wage inflation. Powerful trades unions were a significant cause of the UK's inflation rate of 25% in 1975.


Unions make it harder to promote and terminate workers.

 Unions mainly focused on the seniority of the worker. This often translates into the lack of advancement for new and high-performing employees to promote. As well as it is difficult to demote those employees who are not performing at high levels.

 Every organization’s HR Department must aware of the changing face of unions. At one point in time, unions were less diversified and negatively perceived. That is no longer the case. Union membership is looking less white male and more inclusive. And though the numbers show a decline in trade unions, there are some signs resurgence is on the way.



 HR exchange network, 2018, Pros and Cons of Labor Unions,, Viewed 7 August 2021. <Pros and Cons of Labor Unions | HR Exchange Network>

Economics Help, 2019, Advantages and Disadvantages of Trades Unions,, Viewed 7 August 2021. <Economics Essays: Advantages and Disadvantages of Trades Unions (>

Friday, August 6, 2021



"Your Company Should Invest in Employees"

Companies with a positive employee brand have an engaged and motivated workforce that is willing to speak for the company’s products, brand, and services. Employee branding presenting the organization in the best possible light in front of internal & external stakeholders.

Importance of Invest in Employees in your Company

Employee branding influences your overall company brand

The way you conduct your business has a strong effect on your company brand. The experience employees and job seekers have with you throughout the application process will make a huge difference on whether or not they remain customers, and if they’re willing to refer your company to others. It means potential applicants—and employees—can also double as customers of your brand. 
The Company will have higher employee engagement

Having a strong employee brand means having employees who care about the company. This strong workforce always works harder and makes a larger effort to achieve organizational goals. They will work beyond their capacity to bring the company on top of the industry.

A survey from Boston Consulting Group (BCG) found that, above all, the most important job element for people is whether they standardize their work.


 You’ll stand out from competitors

There are so many well-reputed companies in your industry and they compete with others using less effort. Employee branding is a great opportunity to help the company stand out. If you’re a company with less industry experience you can develop an amazing work environment for your workforce.  It will bring you to your ultimate business goals incredibly.


You’ll improve your recruitment cycle.

If there is a good company image among employees, the turnover ratio will be lower. A lower turnover rate only helps to feed a stronger employee brand and companies with better turnover rates are much more appealing to prospective candidates. They understand that current employees are happy enough and they don’t want to leave. 


Lower Hiring Costs

If the company’s employee brand is strong, it will take less time and less effort to attract the most talented employees. Due to this strong employee brand, potential candidates will come to the company involuntarily. 


Strategies  of Employee Banding

                          Figure 1: Employee Branding Strategies ( (source: TalentLyft)

 References :

Review trackers, What is Employee Branding – and Why Your Company Needs It, Viewed 5th August 2021, <What is Employee Branding - and Why Your Company Needs It | ReviewTrackers >


Wednesday, August 4, 2021


Managing Employee Performance in an Organization

For most organizations in the world performance, reviews are used to support decisions related to mainly training and development. As well as transfers, promotions, compensation, and employment termination. The performance review includes setting clear and specific performance expectations for each employee and providing periodic informal and/or formal feedback about employee performance. However, recent trends include a less formalized process focusing on more feedback and coaching.


The performance management process is often linked with other organizational systems such as Strategic planning, succession planning, individual and team development, total compensation, and HR technology systems. The human resource department is the key to the efficient administration of the performance management and a qualified HR team to train the managers in the organization and to assist them when issues arose.


An effective performance management system includes three broad elements: goal setting, performance review, and a performance improvement process. An effective performance management system will incorporate these three basic elements in some form.




Goal setting is the process of placing objectives to arrive over a period of time. These are the criteria which employees will be evaluated end of the period.




Performance review is the process of assessing an employee's progress with established goals. Organizations can make informed and accurate decisions regarding an employee's contribution, promotional opportunities, career development, training needs, pay increases by looking at strengths and weaknesses of employees.


Commonly several types of performance review systems are in use by many organizations in the world. Ranking, 360-degree feedback, behaviorally anchored rating scales, and Competency-based performance reviews are some of them.




The performance improvement plan is a tool to provide an employee with performance deficiencies the opportunity to succeed. These plans used to address failures to meet specific job goals or to build up behavior-related concerns.

Performance management is a continual process, not something that occurs only annually. Effective performance management will be ensuring that design efforts are successfully supported and implemented.

  Figure 1: What HR can do to make the Performance management system work  ( (source: texeQserve)


References, Performance Management: Concepts & Definitions, viewed 2nd August 2021, <Performance Management: Concepts & Definitions | People & Culture (>, Performance Management, viewed 2nd August 2021, <Performance Management: Best Practices and Examples (>


Elaine D. Pulakos, 2004, A roadmap for developing, implementing and evaluating performance management systems, viewed 3rd August 2021, <Performance Management: A roadmap for developing, implementing, and evaluating performance management systems (>



 Is Talent Management Pipeline important to the Organization?

     Figure 1: What is Talent Pipeline ( (source: toolbox)

It is no surprise today that there is a strong relationship between work, worker, and workplace. In a competitive working environment that expects a continuous assessment, strategic agility, best talents, and technological prowess it is essential to have a reliable and strong workforce that can help the organization to face any hard situation. Having a pool of effective and talented employees called “Talent Pipeline” enables the growth and vision of the organization.


A talent pipeline can be defined as a pool of candidates that are engaged and can be contacted when relevant roles become available in an organization. This pool can include internal employees and external candidates.

When creating a talent pipeline, employers have to consider what their workforce needs for the next 1-2 years or beyond. Viz, they have to understand employee turnover rates, succession plans, and training needs.

There are many reasons to build a talent pipeline in an organization. One of the main reasons is to reduce the time to hire new candidates for available vacancies. Due to the qualified pool of candidates, the organization can select the suitable candidate among them without time-consuming and hard effort. As well as talent management pipeline minimize the business disruptions, higher the success in interviews, minimize the cost of hiring and get the qualified and talented employees than competitors in the industry. Managing the best talent pipeline is a great strategy for a company to compete with rivals.  

Following best practices ensure that an organization has the right talent pipeline.

1.   Pulse on the present, Eyes on the future

A deep study about an organization’s current and future talent needs is a prerequisite when it comes to building a talent pipeline. Here organizations should keep on eyes and ears on labor market trends, brewing technological changes, etc.

2.   Leading Employee Advocacy

Building advocacy leads you to the pipeline of loyal, engaged, and motivated candidates and it is worth the investment in candidate/employee-centric strategies.


Ultimately, effective talent pipelining engagement boils down to how an organization plan, strategize, and leverage technology to support long-term business needs.

  Figure 2: Talent Management Essential Toolkit  ( (source:




Perret, L (2018), Is Your Talent Pipeline Full, Half Empty, or Dry? Developing Internal and External Talent Pipelines, Coker Group


www.toolbox/hr 2021, What is Talent Pipeline? Definition, Management with Examples, Viewed 29 July 2021, <What is Talent Pipeline? Definition, Management with Examples | Toolbox Hr>


Monday, August 2, 2021


 Does “work from home theory” effective?

When the COVID-19 pandemic forced companies all over the world to send their employees home to work virtually, remote work had a big moment in this situation.

 As we’ve long known, work from home has a host of advantages. Among those advantages some you may already be aware of, and some that may open your eyes even more to work from the home impact on employers, employees, and the economy.

A Happier, Healthier Work Life

            Figure 1: Working from home and its advantages of overworking an office (source: Peachy essay)

Due to this new concept of working employees tend to be more loyal happier, because working from home has been providing more time for leisure, shown to lower stress, and improve personal relationships.

 In addition to personal health and well-being, industrial relations can be more positive without the distractions that come along with an in-office job. A new concept of working can give employees the time and environment needed to make healthy choices and right decisions.


Increased Productivity and Performance

Working from home usually leads to fewer interruptions, a quieter noise level, fewer office politics, and fewer meetings which lead to increased productivity.


Work from home allows employees and companies to focus on performance entirely. Unfortunately, working in an office couldn’t create “True positives” that can lead to favoritism and bias.


Money Savings

Before the emergence of this theory employees had to spend more money on the way to their work. People who work from home can reduce such all spending and can save all of them. Gas, car maintenance, transportation, parking fees and more can all be reduced from employee spending entirely.


Better Work-Life Balance

Employees can begin and end their day as they choose, as long as their work is complete and leads to better outcomes.

Attending an online fitness class in the morning, dropping kids off at school, running some errands, etc. are all easier to balance when work from home.


A Customizable Office

With this new working concept, employees could be built a comfortable home office at will.  Whether employees simply want a more ergonomic chair or that require specialized office equipment due to health issues, they can set up a home office and make it whatever they want.



Forbes, Think Productivity With Work From Home Is Improving? Think Again. Here’s What You Must Know, Viewed 26 July 2021,

Business News Daily, Working from Home Increases Productivity, Viewed 26 July 2021,

Wednesday, July 28, 2021



Keep engaged and motivated your staff during the Covid-19 pandemic.

   There is no secret that employees around the world have to face a hard situation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore they need organizational support, more than before. Due to this pandemic, everything has changed in workplaces, but what motivates employees and what managers can do remains the same as previous.

 There are some important steps that can be used to improve engagement and keep employees motivated during this pandemic situation.

 A major reason for individuals is demotivated or feel unsupported in lack of recognition. Recognition implies that employees are acknowledged for the contributions they made to the organization. This is important for all leadership levels to implement daily. For example, if there are many branches located around the country, go and appreciate them - following all the health guidelines.

 Companies are identifying that the significance of keeping employee well-being, and that it goes beyond the work itself into the mental, physical, emotional, and financial realms.

 During this pandemic situation almost all organizations keeping the working from home system. Some organizations have created online guides about using online meeting applications, managing time while juggling responsibilities at home, etc. This provides demonstrates empathy and leadership to employees.

 Remind employees about the organization’s employee aiding program and these plans are free and confidential. Employee aiding programs offer a variety of important services to employees, whether related to work as well as their personal lives.

 Especially in this pandemic situation little bit of humanity goes a long way. As business owners showing humanity by being empathetic to the real, human needs of your staff is not only for business success — it's also the right thing to do in this pandemic to motivate and keep employees engaged.



                        Figure 1: Top 4 Benefits of Employee Engagement (source: achievers)

 The Importance of Employee Engagement Survey

Figure 2: Employee Engagement Surveys (source: customisight)



Werder, C, (2021). Now is the Time to Earn Your Employees’ Trust,, viewed 24 July 2021, <5 tips for organizations to keep employees motivated amid COVID-19 crisis ( >