Wednesday, August 4, 2021


Managing Employee Performance in an Organization

For most organizations in the world performance, reviews are used to support decisions related to mainly training and development. As well as transfers, promotions, compensation, and employment termination. The performance review includes setting clear and specific performance expectations for each employee and providing periodic informal and/or formal feedback about employee performance. However, recent trends include a less formalized process focusing on more feedback and coaching.


The performance management process is often linked with other organizational systems such as Strategic planning, succession planning, individual and team development, total compensation, and HR technology systems. The human resource department is the key to the efficient administration of the performance management and a qualified HR team to train the managers in the organization and to assist them when issues arose.


An effective performance management system includes three broad elements: goal setting, performance review, and a performance improvement process. An effective performance management system will incorporate these three basic elements in some form.




Goal setting is the process of placing objectives to arrive over a period of time. These are the criteria which employees will be evaluated end of the period.




Performance review is the process of assessing an employee's progress with established goals. Organizations can make informed and accurate decisions regarding an employee's contribution, promotional opportunities, career development, training needs, pay increases by looking at strengths and weaknesses of employees.


Commonly several types of performance review systems are in use by many organizations in the world. Ranking, 360-degree feedback, behaviorally anchored rating scales, and Competency-based performance reviews are some of them.




The performance improvement plan is a tool to provide an employee with performance deficiencies the opportunity to succeed. These plans used to address failures to meet specific job goals or to build up behavior-related concerns.

Performance management is a continual process, not something that occurs only annually. Effective performance management will be ensuring that design efforts are successfully supported and implemented.

  Figure 1: What HR can do to make the Performance management system work  ( (source: texeQserve)


References, Performance Management: Concepts & Definitions, viewed 2nd August 2021, <Performance Management: Concepts & Definitions | People & Culture (>, Performance Management, viewed 2nd August 2021, <Performance Management: Best Practices and Examples (>


Elaine D. Pulakos, 2004, A roadmap for developing, implementing and evaluating performance management systems, viewed 3rd August 2021, <Performance Management: A roadmap for developing, implementing, and evaluating performance management systems (>



  1. A good article Parami, Performance management provide a win win situation to both organisation and employee. Agreed it should be a continuous process, Many organisations like Microsoft, General Electric, and Adobe have abondaned traditional Performance Management by adopting to Continuous Performance Management. Thankyou for sharing.

  2. As we know Human resource is the best asset that company have and managing in a proper way always the deciding factor for success. In that way perfomance Management is a crucial and endless process for a company. Implementing and investing in perfomance management is high returnable and keeps employees alert that they're delivering what company ask form them good evaluations parami;

  3. Great Topic... This helps to understand that, Employee Performance Management is about aligning the organizational objectives with the employees’ agreed measures, skills, competency requirements, development plans and the delivery of results. The emphasis is on improvement, learning and development in order to achieve the overall business strategy and to create a high performance workforce.

  4. When organizations concern employee performance, According to Jawahar & Williams( 1997)Organizations should realize that it is the employees’ perceptions of the performance evaluation purpose that affects their attitudes toward it. It is generally predicted that ratings obtained for administrative purposes, such as promotions, transfers, termination, and compensation, are likely to be more lenient and less accurate than those obtained for research, feedback, or employee development purposes.

  5. Performance management is a corporate management tool that assists managers to monitor and evaluate the performance of employees. The purpose of performance management is to create an environment where people can do their best to produce the highest quality and most efficient work.

  6. Hi parami,Job Description for Performance Manager. Performance managers, like many other forms of managers, oversee the workforce in order to ensure they are productive and highly motivated. While there are many purposes to this, the end goal of these managers is to increase the output of a company and increase profit margins.

  7. A performance manager is responsible for ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of organizational activities towards achieving organizational objectives. Organizations use this method widely for evaluating of performance and to identify the gaps of employee skills, knowledge and other training needs in order to fulfill the organizational goals and objectives.

  8. Great Topic!The responsibility starts with Human resource department. But Directors, all department heads and senior managements should be on board with the talent management process to achieve ultimate goals of the organization. However depending on the size of the business there can different designations, committees or units to overlook the talent management process

  9. Performance management is a must taken step in every organization. Managers from every level have the responsibility for a better implementation of performance management in order to identify the gap between the set objective and currently where workforce stands. This proper approach will enhance and influence the individual contribution towards common goal. Well explained. Worth to read.

  10. Nicely written Parami,
    Presently, there is a high interest in performance measurement, with many organizations trying to implement the balanced scorecard. However, there is also signal that many of these applications are not fruitful.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Good article Parami.Dedicated employees stay longer, are actively involved in the workplace and achieve better results. Improving employee engagement is essential to increase productivity and maximize return on investment. Performance management, when done well, is an important tool for having dedicated employees.

  13. Effective performance management is essential to businesses. Through both formal and informal processes, it helps them align their employees, resources, and systems to meet their strategic objectives. ... Organizations that get performance management right become formidable competitive machines.

  14. An interesting artical parami. Performance management is the process of ensuring that a set of activities and products effectively and efficiently meet the objectives of an organization.

  15. Performance management is a corporate management tool that aids managers in monitoring and evaluating the performance of their staff. The purpose of performance management is to create an atmosphere in which people may work to their full potential in order to deliver the highest-quality work in the most efficient and effective manner possible. Performance management is an ongoing process where the performance of the employees are monitored right around the year. First a attainable goal is defined, then evaluate the performance periodically and finally review the end result. Thank you.

  16. Managers can utilize performance management systems to change workflow, suggest new actions, and make other decisions that will assist staff meet their goals. Throughout the year, performance management is a continuous process of communication between a supervisor and an employee. Clarifying expectations, creating objectives, identifying targets, providing feedback, and reviewing results are all part of the communication process.

  17. As explained, Performance management is the key tool to measure the employee performance and to fill the gap if there is any training requirement or necessary of replacement. Moreover, it is the tool to motivate employees and to get their extra commitments.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Really Informative article Parami, as explained performance management is an extremely important tool for any organization it will give all of the stakeholders of the business a very comprehensive idea on the organizational performance which is the primary concern for any profit oriented organization. Great Read Overall
