Monday, August 2, 2021


 Does “work from home theory” effective?

When the COVID-19 pandemic forced companies all over the world to send their employees home to work virtually, remote work had a big moment in this situation.

 As we’ve long known, work from home has a host of advantages. Among those advantages some you may already be aware of, and some that may open your eyes even more to work from the home impact on employers, employees, and the economy.

A Happier, Healthier Work Life

            Figure 1: Working from home and its advantages of overworking an office (source: Peachy essay)

Due to this new concept of working employees tend to be more loyal happier, because working from home has been providing more time for leisure, shown to lower stress, and improve personal relationships.

 In addition to personal health and well-being, industrial relations can be more positive without the distractions that come along with an in-office job. A new concept of working can give employees the time and environment needed to make healthy choices and right decisions.


Increased Productivity and Performance

Working from home usually leads to fewer interruptions, a quieter noise level, fewer office politics, and fewer meetings which lead to increased productivity.


Work from home allows employees and companies to focus on performance entirely. Unfortunately, working in an office couldn’t create “True positives” that can lead to favoritism and bias.


Money Savings

Before the emergence of this theory employees had to spend more money on the way to their work. People who work from home can reduce such all spending and can save all of them. Gas, car maintenance, transportation, parking fees and more can all be reduced from employee spending entirely.


Better Work-Life Balance

Employees can begin and end their day as they choose, as long as their work is complete and leads to better outcomes.

Attending an online fitness class in the morning, dropping kids off at school, running some errands, etc. are all easier to balance when work from home.


A Customizable Office

With this new working concept, employees could be built a comfortable home office at will.  Whether employees simply want a more ergonomic chair or that require specialized office equipment due to health issues, they can set up a home office and make it whatever they want.



Forbes, Think Productivity With Work From Home Is Improving? Think Again. Here’s What You Must Know, Viewed 26 July 2021,

Business News Daily, Working from Home Increases Productivity, Viewed 26 July 2021,


  1. Nice article, to get an idea, how you determine the effectiveness and benefits of working from home to an organization?

  2. A Good article and nice job Parami.
    I have noted that there are few disadvantages too. such as loneliness and isolation, negative effects on mental health, losing the company culture, lack of dedicated space, and in practice, we can't apply this method to every organization, and as a developing country, there is some barrier with technology.

  3. Better, happy and healthy work life of employees resulting increase of productivity and performance of them. under this pandemic situation WFH is the most suitable and cost saving solution. Still there are more to address like disadvantages of this

  4. Article refers all the pros in WFH and agreed considering the current situation of the world. However, there are some drawback in this system in long run. Lack of Community and Team Work, Lack of Motivation, Lack of Office Equipment and Security Concerns, Unmonitored Performance and those Frequent Breaks, & risk of productivity is concern in this regard. The HR should address this issues in order to be versatile in future culture.

  5. Trending topic Parami, but remember following tips to make WFH more efficient
    • Make a schedule and persist with it
    • Focus on what you’ve accomplished at the end of every day to stay yourself motivated
    • Create a fanatical workspace and let your family know that you simply are unavailable during work hours

  6. Timely topic parami,during the pandemic situation many organistion use this method to doing their office works continuesly. on the other hand this thing be the factor for employee motivation.

  7. WFH is currently known as an alternative working to minimize the risk of COVID-19 infection. This concept is not new and has been brought to the attention of several schools of thought for many years. To make it more effective better guidelines and policies from the government should be in place to properly regulate and make WFH feasible. Thankyou for sharing this timely article Parami.

  8. With the prevailing pandemic situation most of the organizations used this method to continue their business operations smoothly. Even when there are difficulties with Technical devices, Internet connections, Environments with kids and elders and etc. WFH has been the only available option to face this tough situation. I appreciate you for taking this timely topic.

  9. Hi Parami , Contemporary importance topic. WFH concept was there in some western countries even before the pandemic. However it has become so popular and proven as an effective method during these period. I see lot of upside and very few down side of this concept. People can use hours of unproductive time spend on traffic jams to effective work because of WFH concept. Further I believe this should continue even after the pandemic.

  10. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed each part of our work and life. In light of the public and neighbourhood control arrangements, organizations, associations, and establishments urged their employees to work distantly at home to remain safe. During the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous labourers were encouraged to WFH full time, which reclassified the traditional idea of WFH that was ordinary just for specific kinds of work, on an intermittent premise, or given extraordinary employee conditions. Many organizations accept that WFH will become more normal after the pandemic because businesses have effectively paid the proper expense to set up distant work frameworks for their employees. Organizations are currently deciding whether functional expenses could be drastically diminished by lessening the necessary office space.

  11. Though there are advantages and disadvantages to this impact, you have only discussed the positive aspects of it. Working from home, in my opinion, causes us to miss out on opportunities to socialize with our coworkers and network with other professionals.

  12. Working from home has the ability to benefit the environment, your bank account, your health, and your work productivity. Businesses and employees can both benefit from a workforce that can work from home with the proper training and care.

  13. Well Written Parami, Timley topic that can be applied to the present, most significantly through the pandemic, and which provides a new platform and opportunities for businesses. Both employees and the company. There are advantages and disadvantages for different industries.
    • Improved employee retention
    • Attract new talent
    • Increased productivity
    • Increased staff motivation
    • Improved staff health and wellbeing
    • Better work/life balance
    • Less sickness absences


    • Working from home doesn't suit everyone
    • Not all jobs suit home working
    • Staff feeling isolated
    • Difficulty monitoring performance
    • Home distractions
    • Information security risk
    • Cost of working from home
    • Decreased staff morale

    Thank you for sharing. All the best

  14. With the Covid -19 outbreak, the WFH concept adopts by the majority of organizations. Is WFH beneficial to any organization looking to boost productivity? I believe there are benefits and drawbacks. You have clearly defined all of WFH's benefits. Inefficiency, a lack of motivation, and a lack of teamwork can all hurt productivity.

  15. WFH is becoming trend in the global market as most companies prefer to let their employees to work remotely due to the Covid-19 and it also helps the organization to cut some overheads as well. But still there are cons such as employees tend to "moon-lighting" and it is very hard to asses the performance and employee engagement as well.
