Wednesday, August 4, 2021


 Is Talent Management Pipeline important to the Organization?

     Figure 1: What is Talent Pipeline ( (source: toolbox)

It is no surprise today that there is a strong relationship between work, worker, and workplace. In a competitive working environment that expects a continuous assessment, strategic agility, best talents, and technological prowess it is essential to have a reliable and strong workforce that can help the organization to face any hard situation. Having a pool of effective and talented employees called “Talent Pipeline” enables the growth and vision of the organization.


A talent pipeline can be defined as a pool of candidates that are engaged and can be contacted when relevant roles become available in an organization. This pool can include internal employees and external candidates.

When creating a talent pipeline, employers have to consider what their workforce needs for the next 1-2 years or beyond. Viz, they have to understand employee turnover rates, succession plans, and training needs.

There are many reasons to build a talent pipeline in an organization. One of the main reasons is to reduce the time to hire new candidates for available vacancies. Due to the qualified pool of candidates, the organization can select the suitable candidate among them without time-consuming and hard effort. As well as talent management pipeline minimize the business disruptions, higher the success in interviews, minimize the cost of hiring and get the qualified and talented employees than competitors in the industry. Managing the best talent pipeline is a great strategy for a company to compete with rivals.  

Following best practices ensure that an organization has the right talent pipeline.

1.   Pulse on the present, Eyes on the future

A deep study about an organization’s current and future talent needs is a prerequisite when it comes to building a talent pipeline. Here organizations should keep on eyes and ears on labor market trends, brewing technological changes, etc.

2.   Leading Employee Advocacy

Building advocacy leads you to the pipeline of loyal, engaged, and motivated candidates and it is worth the investment in candidate/employee-centric strategies.


Ultimately, effective talent pipelining engagement boils down to how an organization plan, strategize, and leverage technology to support long-term business needs.

  Figure 2: Talent Management Essential Toolkit  ( (source:




Perret, L (2018), Is Your Talent Pipeline Full, Half Empty, or Dry? Developing Internal and External Talent Pipelines, Coker Group


www.toolbox/hr 2021, What is Talent Pipeline? Definition, Management with Examples, Viewed 29 July 2021, <What is Talent Pipeline? Definition, Management with Examples | Toolbox Hr>



  1. The primary purpose of talent management is to create a motivated workforce who will stay with company in the long run. The exact way to achieve this will differ from company to company. Thanks for sharing

  2. A talent pipeline is a group of passive candidates organizations has hired who can fill future positions in the company. Building a talent pipeline has one significant advantage: it saves time that would otherwise be spent sourcing you have described well your topic in this article.thanks for sharing your knowledge. Good work

  3. Having a talent pipeline in place allows you to nurture and build relationships with prospective candidates well in advance of a specific role opening up. Being a generation that is connections-driven, data-hungry and technologically passionate, there are multiple sources of willing and qualified candidates

  4. For any profession, not only there is a need to have talent or skilled employees but also there is a need to have employees “in the pipeline;” those employees ready and able or in the process of developing and preparing for higher-level roles. Talent management demands thoughtful planning and emphasises the need of motivation to build in a sustainable internal talent pipeline. Thankyou for sharing Parami.

  5. That the work-worker-workplace trio is in a state of constant flux is no surprise today. In an environment that demands a brutal battle for the best talent, strategic agility, continuous improvement, and technological prowess, organizations need a reliable workforce that can help the business win against all odds. Let’s take a peek into how having an effective talent pipeline enables the vision and growth of the organization.Good article parami.

  6. An interesting topic and nicely explained. Keeping relationships with Potential candidates who are interest of working in future but not ready to apply yet is identified as a Talent Pipeline. This is new HR concept that is used as a backup plan for future recruitment and selection process which enables smooth functioning of business organizations.

  7. Talent management pipeline is helps to find potential leaders of the organization. I think this is linked to succession planning as well. This is mutually beneficial to both employer as well as employee . Further having proper talent management pipe line will help to motivate employee as well as for employee retention .

  8. Talent pipelines necessarily require people who are fit to fill future roles that might open up within your company. This will help to improve recruitment process and make cost benefit also. Creating a talent pipeline is a strategic process which has to complete by taking time and with a deep understanding of the future of a company.
    Good topic to talk Parami...

  9. Making a talent pipeline takes human resources the board and labor force arranging. Businesses need to think about what their labor force needs might be in 12 or two years and then some. This likewise implies understanding turnover rates, preparing requirements and progression plans. It further requires individuals examination abilities. The objective is to comprehend the abilities that a talent pool and talent pipeline will require. These endeavors are identified with back-end advancements. Enlisting the board frameworks and candidate global positioning frameworks assume a part in finding, distinguishing, following and remaining associated with possibilities and applicants.

  10. Following are the Steps to Creating a Talent Pipeline Framework
    1. Identify your company’s long-term goals and needs.
    2. Develop a candidate sourcing strategy to fill your pipeline.
    3. Establish contact with new candidates.
    4. Assess your talent pool.
    5. Nurture the candidates in your talent pipeline.
    6. Prioritize ongoing training and development.

  11. you have explained very clearly on this topic.Talent management also works to keep current employees and advance them to higher positions in the organization. This saves money that could otherwise be lost to high employee turnover. “It makes much more sense to develop and retain key talent than source, hire and train new ones.

  12. Hi Parami, good article well written. Talent management fosters employee engagement, skill development, and motivation, enabling them to work toward the company's business objectives, hence increasing client happiness and business performance. A systematic approach to talent management entails organizational alignment and a consistent management style. Client satisfaction rates are typically greater when systems are more integrated, as they deal with fewer individuals and their demands are handled more quickly.

    Thank you for sharing. all the best.

  13. Talent management is distinct from other HR functions in that it focuses on a person's fit with their job, team, and company. Attempting to maximize the potential of all employees and keep them engaged through work redeployments, transfers, and other means. Using customized TM programs to develop high-potential personnel and informing them that they are Talent Managed.

  14. Talent management can help employees feel dedicated, empowered, and motivated, enabling them to work toward the company's business goals, thereby improving customer satisfaction and business performance, and increasing customer satisfaction. Worth to read.
