Friday, August 6, 2021



"Your Company Should Invest in Employees"

Companies with a positive employee brand have an engaged and motivated workforce that is willing to speak for the company’s products, brand, and services. Employee branding presenting the organization in the best possible light in front of internal & external stakeholders.

Importance of Invest in Employees in your Company

Employee branding influences your overall company brand

The way you conduct your business has a strong effect on your company brand. The experience employees and job seekers have with you throughout the application process will make a huge difference on whether or not they remain customers, and if they’re willing to refer your company to others. It means potential applicants—and employees—can also double as customers of your brand. 
The Company will have higher employee engagement

Having a strong employee brand means having employees who care about the company. This strong workforce always works harder and makes a larger effort to achieve organizational goals. They will work beyond their capacity to bring the company on top of the industry.

A survey from Boston Consulting Group (BCG) found that, above all, the most important job element for people is whether they standardize their work.


 You’ll stand out from competitors

There are so many well-reputed companies in your industry and they compete with others using less effort. Employee branding is a great opportunity to help the company stand out. If you’re a company with less industry experience you can develop an amazing work environment for your workforce.  It will bring you to your ultimate business goals incredibly.


You’ll improve your recruitment cycle.

If there is a good company image among employees, the turnover ratio will be lower. A lower turnover rate only helps to feed a stronger employee brand and companies with better turnover rates are much more appealing to prospective candidates. They understand that current employees are happy enough and they don’t want to leave. 


Lower Hiring Costs

If the company’s employee brand is strong, it will take less time and less effort to attract the most talented employees. Due to this strong employee brand, potential candidates will come to the company involuntarily. 


Strategies  of Employee Banding

                          Figure 1: Employee Branding Strategies ( (source: TalentLyft)

 References :

Review trackers, What is Employee Branding – and Why Your Company Needs It, Viewed 5th August 2021, <What is Employee Branding - and Why Your Company Needs It | ReviewTrackers >



  1. Hi Parami, Thank you for the article.
    As you have mentioned a good employee branding will convert the employees to become strong brand-ambassador for the company and help organization to spread positive image in the market compared to competitors and also help to get good talents. HR and Management should ensure job satisfaction and well-being of present employees to be able to create a successful employee branding.

  2. Hi Parami, As you correctly explained a very good start line for outlining this term is thinking of it as how your company is perceived by current and potential employees. Organizations with a positive employee brand often have an engaged, motivated workforce that’s willing to advocate for the company’s brand, products, and services.

  3. Employee branding is a new phenomenon in employee engagement and ownership. It builds the character of employees so that they can show product ownership in their daily activities. The main idea is to turn your employees into product ambassadors to present your product in the best possible light.
    Employee engagement is the act of having employees who value their work, become more productive and more productive employees. Marking an employer is the way a company sells to potential candidates, in the same way that the same company can sell its products.

  4. Employee branding is the process by which employees internalize the desired brand image and are motivated to project the image to customers and other organizational constituents.Organizations with a strong employee brand have the ability to turn their employees into powerful brand ambassadors. They are also more likely to improve employee loyalty, contribute to solid brand reputation management, increase employee motivation levels, contribute to customer experience management, and attract and secure the right talent.

  5. Yes Parami, Employee branding can make companies more recognizable in the skills market by recruiting and retaining talented employees who fit the culture and values ​​of companies.

  6. Employee Branding describes the qualitative and quantitative relationship of the organization and the employees. This has been highly implemented by HRM to attract, engage, motivate and retain the talented employees by letting them to feel their job as meaningful and fulfilling.

  7. Branding will help to recruit best people to their work force, If organization have a well reputed employer brand. it will help to hire new employees easily , create a strong company culture and even reduce marketing costs., reduce hiring and marketing costs, and eventually improve productivity.

  8. Employee Branding present the value that company create for employee and what employee recognize from the company. In a way this is the best competitive advantage a company have to attract best skill workforce to their company. These skill people will work beyond the limit for the success of the Organization. So the investment over employee branding will be a good return by many ways.

  9. Well written article Parami,
    Employer brand is established in real-time, and it requires maintenance, upkeep, and continued attention, even when things are going well. Slack off, and you could lose control of the brand narrative, and lose the attention of your target audience in the process. Perhaps now more than ever, every organization needs a comprehensive, long-term strategy for attracting high-quality recruits and developing a robust talent pipeline—one that can help create and maintain a culture of success and productivity within organization.

  10. Getting your employees energetic about your brand esteems is a critical piece of developing your general brand picture on the grounds that your employees work as your brand representatives. If you need them to, they'll talk about your organization, passing on messages to others that depict your business in one or the other positive or negative light.

  11. Hi Parami.
    Employee branding is the process by means of which personnel internalize the favored logo image and are inspired to challenge the picture to clients and other organizational materials.
    In different phrases, it’s approximately getting personnel on board with the values that your emblem stands for and the sort of commercial enterprise your organisation engages in. personnel deliver those externally via word of mouth and social advocacy.

  12. As you mentioned Parami, employers with a strong employee brand can transform their employees into effective brand ambassadors. Additionally, they are more likely to increase employee loyalty, contribute to effective brand reputation management, boost employee motivation, contribute to effective customer experience management, and attract and retain the right talent.

  13. Employees that care about the company make for a good employee brand. If your company represents a brand. Employees who work for the company should be treated with respect and feel that they are part of the brand ambassadors. Employee turnover will be reduced and company productivity will rise as a result of improving brand reputation and company loyalty.
    Great article Parami, well drafted with adequate information, thank you for sharing

  14. Employees that are part of an organization with a strong employee brand can become powerful brand ambassadors. They are more likely to increase employee loyalty, contribute to effective brand management, and recruit and retain the best people. Employee branding activities have an impact on how people who want to work for you, as well as current and potential customers, perceive your organization.

  15. Employee branding is the process through which employees internalize and are driven to portray the ideal brand image to customers and other organizational constituents. It's all about getting your staff on board with your brand's values and the type of business your firm does. Employees communicate them to others by word of mouth and social advocacy.
    Employees that are part of an organization with a strong employee brand can become powerful brand ambassadors. They're also more likely to build employee loyalty, contribute to strong brand reputation management, boost staff motivation, improve customer experience management, and recruit and retain the best people.

  16. Employer branding is essential for organizations to hire new employees, create a strong company culture, reduce marketing costs, and aim to promote innovation and pursue aspirations. Having a reputable employer brand is a necessary condition for organizational strategy because it can help companies recruit better candidates, reduce recruitment and marketing costs, increase productivity, and stay ahead of the competition. Well explained. Thank you for sharing.

  17. Employer branding will help you hire new employees, create a strong company culture and even reduce marketing costs. Having a reputable employer brand is a must for an organization's strategy because it helps companies recruit better candidates, reduce hiring and marketing costs, and improve productivity.Thank you for sharing
