Monday, July 26, 2021

What is the importance of "VRIO FRAMEWORK"

In modern economic theory, employees are treated as the most significant resource and due to their attributes marked as human resources. Usually, the importance of human resources has been explained through their role in creating sustainable competitive advantage. Successful realization of human resources role assumes fulfillment of conditions within the so-called VRIO framework.

Figure 1: VRIO Framework EXPLAINED with EXAMPLES (source: Business to

 VRIO is initials for the four question framework asked about a resource or capability to determine its competitive potential:

The question of Value

 The question of Rarity

 The question of Imitability

 The question of Organization

 Once realized the value, rarity, and imitability of resources and capabilities, the next step is to organize the company in a way to exploit these resources. If done successfully, the company can enjoy a period of sustained competitive advantage.

 The firm has a competitive advantage if it is able to create more economic value.

 Human resource as a competitive advantage

Figure 2: VRIO Framework (


HR executives must start their functions with an eye on the bottom line and address a primary question “How can HR aid in either decreasing costs or increasing revenues?”

In today’s time when everyone is talking numbers; The HR department has to prove its worth and show that it creates value for the organization. HR can help a firm achieve a sustainable competitive advantage by creating value.


Only value alone cannot help the HR department to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. HR executives must examine how to develop and exploit rare characteristics of the firm’s human resources to gain a competitive advantage. In order to drive strategic decisions, HR executives should be the ‘rare’ factor in the talent they recruit.



If the competitors can easily imitate what you offer, then you are at loss! The HR executives must attempt to develop and nurture characteristics of the firm’s human resources that cannot easily be imitated. In any organization, the culture is developed via the HR Department. Hence, by developing a unique culture, executives can help firms in gaining a competitive advantage.



In order for any characteristic of a firm’s human resources to provide a source of competitive advantage, the firm must be organized to exploit the resource. Organization requires developing the systems and practices that allow human resources characteristics to bear the fruit of their potential advantages.


The VRIO framework enables business people in HR to transform the HR function into a contributor to the firm performance rather then a drain on firm resources.


Walmart VRIO/VRIN Analysis

 A Walmart Supercenter in Pointe-Claire, Quebec, Canada. A VRIO and VRIN examination of Walmart Inc. furthermore, it’s worth chain focuses to reasonable upper hands that incorporate retail abilities and online business capacities and assets that address contention with different retailers. A worth chain investigation shows the meaning of these organizational assets and capacities in profiting the business and shoppers (Johnson, 2019).

Figure 3: Walmart VRIO/VRIN Analysis, Value Chain Analysis (



 Pesic, A, Milic, V, Stankovic, J, ‘Application of VRIO framework for analyzing human resources’ role in providing competitive advantage’





  1. agreed. VRIO analysis is a complement to a PESTLE... VRIO is used to assess the situation inside the organization (enterprise) - its resources, their competitive implication and possible potential for improvement in the given area or for a given resource

  2. Nicely explain and an attractive post Parami.Recognized that VRIO is a tool that businesses can use to identify and then protect the factors that give them a long-term competitive advantage.Thanks for sharing your knowledge

  3. You have very well explained that it is perfect for evaluation of the company’s resources. One you know your resources you can better understand your competitive advantages or weaknesses. The VRIO considers for each type of the resource the following questions both for your company and for your competitors...Thank you for sharing

  4. Focus on practice (VRIO) analysis in an organization more broadly may enhance the consolidation of resources and capabilities on all levels and help to achieve competitive advantage, by keeping a high level of skills and knowledge, and increasing the staff's expertise and capabilities on all levels in a way that competitors find difficult to surpass. Thankyou for sharing Parami.

  5. I agree with you on this article Parami. VRIO is an internal analysis procedure in evaluating Resources and their capabilities. It helps to identify the competitive advantage in the market and provide guidelines on strategic implementation.

  6. Thank you for sharing this Parami . VRIO analysis is a strategic planning tool used by companies to make effective business decisions. The analysis provides information and the results are expected to provide a competitive advantage. It is used to identify and evaluate the company's resources. superb article

  7. The VRIO framework is a strategic analysis tool designed to help organizations focusing on value, rarity, imitability, and organization, the criteria used to evaluate an organization’s resources and capabilities. This framework focuses solely on evaluating internal resources and is intended to help identify the specific resources that make your firm more competitive. By uncovering and protecting the resources and capabilities of the organisation give you a long-term competitive advantage. Very well discussed about useful of this framework for HR functions

  8. VRIO is a powerful tool in determining competitive advantage.
    Google is without a doubt one of the world's most powerful businesses, and its success is arguably due to a persistent competitive edge in human capital management. By using a VRIO framework, Google was able to adopt an entirely new approach to human capital management and make choices based on enormous quantities of objective data. For instance, Google's People Operations team set out to determine the qualities that define an excellent manager (Goggin, 2021).

  9. VRIO framework means human resources have the subsequent features: value, rarity, inimitability, and organization. If human resources are valued, they may provide competitive fairness. If they're also rare, they will provide current competitive advantage.

  10. Very interesting Parami.The VRIO framework is a strategic analysis tool designed to help agencies uncover and protect the sources and abilities that give them a long-term competitive benefit. The framework ought to be put into play after the introduction of a imaginative and prescient assertion, however earlier than the strategic making plans technique.

  11. The VRIO analysis, as well as the VRIO framework as a whole, are great methods for identifying significant resources. An organization can build plans that exceed the competitors if done right. The insights gathered from this framework might help stakeholders focus on the most critical aspects of the company. It can assist people in letting go of assets that are no longer necessary.

  12. The VRIO analysis suggests the user consider the internal competitive advantage of its key resources using four lenses for analysis. ... If people are honest, VRIO analysis is an effective way to evaluate the resources of the organization. It also provides valuable insights into the competitiveness of the organization.

  13. Well explained topic as VIRO focusing on value, rarity, imitability, and organization to identify the capabilities and resources in achieving long-run objectives. successful usage of this tool will help the organization to get the competitive advantage in the market.
